Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well, Shucks.

First, to the three whole people who may wander by...sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been busy. For real busy...not "I'm just saying I've been busy to get off the hook." I've really been busy. I have new flowerbeds to prove it!

Today I received a thank you card...from a parent. The card was actually mailed to school, and in it the parents thanked me for being such an influential person in their daughter's life. I have been teaching for eight years and never once have I gotten a thank you card from from a parent...especially not at this time of the year. Usually at this time of the year I get nasty emails and phone calls, so this was a welcome surprise.

I emailed the parent to thank her for the thank you card (sounds weird, doesn't it? But I wanted to make sure that she knew that I got it.) She emailed back and let me know that she never sends thank you cards to teachers, but she felt she needed to in this case. I was flattered and taken aback by her kind words and her encouragement.

I get burnt out a lot of times with work. I get VERY frustrated at the end of the year. When I get frustrated, Hubby gets frustrated and asks why I still do what I do.

Today I'll show him the card and he'll get his answer.

2 rambled with me...:

Angie said...

I bet that letter made you feel great! I'm sure you are very deserving of it.

Crystal said...

I have some Bloggy Love for you over at Memoirs of a Mommy