Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Heads or Tails Tuesday!

Ack. A whole week escaped me and I haven't posted since last week's Heads or Tails. Boo on me. On the bright side, today's topic is seven things about any subject. Enjoy!

7 Little Known Things About Yours Truly :-)

  1. I am an orange belt in karate (not yellow...I'm such a doofus.)
  2. I took two years of Latin in high school
  3. My hair is naturally curly/wavy/fuzzy
  4. I am part Czechoslovakian
  5. I had a breast biopsy when I was 21.
  6. My original career plan was to be a veterinarian
  7. My eyes change color

Want to play? Head over to Skittle's Place to find out how!

10 rambled with me...:

Rambler said...

eyes can change color?.. oh this is very interesting

Misty DawnS said...

My eyes change color too! I also originally wanted to be a vet (go figure) and so did my best friend - she's a nurse now ;-)

Jojo a. said...
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Jojo a. said...
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Barb said...

I am picturing this...

You're in the classroom and a student starts speaking a weird language, not Latin. Your eyes change color as you call out, "Knock that off. I have a yellow belt in karate, you know!"

Have a good rest of the week. :)

Shan said...

LOL to all of you.

My eyes are a weird hazel...they change colors mainly according to what I am wearing. If I wear green, they are very green, but if, that same day, I change into a blue shirt, my eyes are really blue. It's weird, but cool because they are never the same color twice.

And misty, that's crazy that we both wanted to be vets. I couldn't do it after I realized it included putting animals "to sleep."

Tumblewords: said...

Nice post - I'll have to find out where the yellow belt is...probably not after black. :)

Shan said...

tumblewords--actually, I was wrong. I have an orange belt. And it is very low...but it's still a belt :-)

Marci said...

WOW!! Shan, you are even cooler than I had already thought you were :) I have always wanted to learn a little Latin - it seems like it would make my appreciation for the English language that much greater.

My eyes are hazel, and change colors from green to gold. What colors are YOURS?

I'll bet you would've made an amazing vet. I am sure that the story of how you choose to become a teacher is fascinating - perhaps you can share it sometime?

Take care!!

Andree said...

Your eyes change color? Like what colors? That is so cool!! It must be fascinating to watch. My HoT is here. Thank you.