Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday's Feast!

If you could be any current celebrity for one whole week, who would you want to be?

I don't think I would really want to be any of them...I don't envy celebrities at all...but, if I had to choose, I would be one of the women on Lost--just so I could film in Hawaii!

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you enjoy talking on the phone?

It depends on who it is. If it is a friend, I rate it an 8. If it is some riduculous telemarketer, it would be a 1. If it is an angry parent, it is in the negatives!

Name a charitable organization to which you have donated (or would like to).

American Cancer Society. I lost my grandma that way and it is very dear to my heart. I have also decided to do some volunteer work this summer.

Main Course
What is a food you like so much you could eat it every single day for a month?

Lately, Dole canned pinapple. I don't like fresh because it is such a pain in the butt to prepare, but the canned stuff is so good!

Have you or anyone in your family had the flu this year?

I am afraid to even answer this...I may jinx myself! We already jinxed ourself about the winter weather being gone (and as you saw, it isn't), so I plead the fifth :-)

5 rambled with me...:

Michelle said...

I hear you about the pineapple. I prefer the canned stuff and it has to be Dole. The other brands just don't taste near as good. Mmm, now I want some! lol

Happy Friday!

Trace said...

I agree with you about celebrities! :) I'm happy to be unknown. :)


Anonymous said...

We agree on the celebrities! Thanks for visiting my place. I have another blog that I am hosting two new memes at! Come check out Mercedes Rocks:

Tina said...

Our desserts are the same! (silly question)

You're the 2nd one I've seen to answer pineapple, certainly is good!!

Shan said...

I agree that the dessert question was one is going to answer it unless they have already had it!