Sunday, August 19, 2007

Justice for China

I am a big animal lover. I have mentioned previously that TJ won't let me go to the animal shelter or Petsmart on Saturdays by myself for fear that we will have a new dog. I am a sucker for dogs that need good homes...and I can't understand why people can be so cruel to their pets.

This is why I am completely floored by what happened in Oxford, Ohio over the last few months.

Earlier this year a white German Shepherd named China was taken from her owner. Why? Because he had tied her up in the back yard and forgotten about her. Forgotten about her so long, in fact, that the chain he used to tie her up grew INTO her neck. She was taken to the humane society and had to have the chain surgically removed. It was bad they weren't sure she would make it.

But she did. Because of how bad this abuse was, it was all over the news. Hundreds of people called the Humane Society saying they would gladly take China and give her a good home. People were praying for her recovery and praying that her owner got the punishment he deserved--after can you forget you had a dog? How could you let a metal chain grow into your dog's neck? And, although this was a horrible ordeal for China, everyone was happy that she was out of that environment and would be given a second chance to live a good life with people who would care for her, look after her, and welcome her lovingly into their family.

But we were all wrong.

The judge gave her back to her owner. Back to her owner who neglected her, left her, and obviously forgot to care for her.

Sure, the judge put all these stipulations in place (he has to promise to take her to the vet, he has to promise not to leave her outside, the Humane Society will "pop in" for unannounced visits, etc.)...but he gave her back to the guy who abused her. Sure, the judge says he did it because the guy's kids loved the dog...but that still doesn't make it okay. The guy has learned nothing. He has learned that he can physically harm another living thing and he will only get a slap on the wrist. Here is what the judge had to say:

"First of all, Mr. Clark is a man, not a monster, as many have suggested,” Lyons said in a statement. “(He) was not charged with beating or intentionally harming the dog. His crime was one of neglect. The dog was a family pet and, if the dog was forfeited, I could not prevent the family from acquiring another pet.”

So, neglect is okay? What if Mr. Clark neglected his kids? Would that be okay? A doctor near here recently had the window of his car smashed out because he left his girls in the car while he ran into a store for five minutes. He was in huge trouble...but the guy who neglected his dog got her back. (I know...dogs and kids aren't the same, but I wanted to make the connection--neglect is neglect...regardless of whether you do it on purpose or not).

Do I hope the guy learned his lesson? Sure I am...but not for his sake....for China's.

Animal rights activists in the area have been protesting since the decision came out. They are trying to get a law passed that states that if you abuse (intentionally or unintentionally) an animal you are prohibited from getting the animal back and you are not permitted to own an animal ever again.

I, for one, am all for it.

9 rambled with me...:

Misty DawnS said...

Oh my gosh - I hadn't heard about this (probably because I'm a wimp and fall asleep before the news is on). It's probably a good thing that I haven't heard about this because I am outraged and heartbroken (therefore, my husband will have to hear my ranting)! I am a HUGE HUGE dog lover (if you have ever visited my blog, then you already know that) - I love dogs more than anything, especially more than humans (sorry, but it's true). I would like five minutes - just five - with the owner AND the judge.

Shan said...

It's crazy, right? People have been protesting outside the courthouse for days now...If you followed the link on China's name you can get to the story about the verdict and such (and a picture of what she looks like). I am hoping the law gets passed, but I just don't know if it will. Fingers crossed.

Angie said...

I was doing ok until I clicked the link that took me to China's photo. Then emotional me started to cry. I'm such a softie when it comes to animals.

This story just ticks me off! Shame on that judge for giving the dog back to the owner I hope the protesters camp on his lawn for a long time!

Shan said...

Sorry to get you emotional, aj...I have just been thinking about this story for days and finally had to say something about it.

The activists aren't planning on backing off any time soon, so that's positive. If the judge gets the message...well, that's another thing entirely.

Jojo a. said...
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Anonymous said...

I can think of a hundred recharge words to describe this, but speechlessness says enough.

This is just horrible. I love dogs, and this look especially looked great, and to have it go through all this, and then be given a change to possibly abused again!?!

It nuts, and it saddens me a lot, not to mention this should of been on every single news station.

Shan said...

jojo: I completely agree with you. I posted earlier about how much $$$ TJ and I drop on our dogs...but we don't care--they are our responsibility and we will gladly do it. They are our family.

andrew: I agree with you, too: it should have been on every station. I only hope that those animal rights people get what they want--justice for this poor dog.

Jane said...

I think it's okay for parents to be more concerned about their children's welfare than their pets.

With that said, some people simply cannot take good care of a pet, wheither they like it or not. I know about 10 of my buddies who've bought puppies to impress girls. It's ridiculous but at least they don't leave em half dead.

Some people have too much on their mind to think of what is good for their pets. Fine, then don't make dog suffer because you have "too much to do".

Barb said...

I knew not to click on the photo link. I was sick enough already. And angry! How could the judge have given China back???? Where were those "loving children" when the chain was growing into the dog's neck for God's sake????
