Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

It's that time excuse for people to add green food coloring to their beer and claim that they are Irish. Don't you just love it? Oddly enough, as I comment on the fact that so many people claim to be Irish only on March 17th, I recently dropped my non-Irish husband at an faux Irish Pub in Newport to meet my brother (who is, in his defense, part Irish) and his non-Irish friend to drink imported Irish beer.

That means I have the house to myself to watch whatever I want. On the list: Last Holiday (I heard it was okay, but it is soooo not a TJ movie),Casablanca (another movie that he will NEVER watch because it is in black and white and he thinks that is just wrong), and The Last Unicorn (I dare you to say anything) I LOVED that movie when I was a kid. It scared the crap out of me in parts (remember the Harpy and the talking skeleton?), but it was classic. They just released the 25th anniversary edition which means I am officially getting up there in years.

I am still celebrating from the Duke lost. I thank Toni for making her "anti-Duke" chili. I credit her with the loss (the only time anyone wants to hear that, I think, is when it involves a Duke loss). I also LOVE the fact that UK won in the first round. This means that Duke fans need to sit down and shut up about the damned Christian Laetner shot. It was over a decade ago...isn't it time to fixate on something else? Like the fact that you all lost in the first round and UK didn't? (I'm just saying). Too bad about, Xavier, though. Would have been nice to see an upset.. Then Ohio State (sorry, THE Ohio State) could be pissy about basketball and football all at the same time. I guess you can't have everything, but you can have a DUKE LOSS!!!!

So it is getting to be tax season, which I dread because, somehow, we always owe a crapload of money to the government at the end of the whole process. I can never figure out why, but it always happens. This is why we wait until the last possible minute to do taxes. TJ decides last week that we were going to have someone else do them this year. So, at 1:00 on a SATURDAY (and St, Patty's day, no less), we go to a CPA to have him do our taxes. I thought it was ridiculous because we always do our own taxes, so I went into this meeting today with a rather large chip on my shoulder. I thought it was just TJ being TJ again (which he does often). Turns out that this time, he was right (someone mark down the fact that I admitted that). We were filing wrong or something, so we are getting a REFUND! (yippy). Not only that, but we have been filing wrong for the last few years, so this guy is going to amend or taxes for (drum roll, please) the last four years so we can get some of our money back! Looks like the luck o' the Irish was with us today! After that fantastic news, we had a celebratory lunch at Cheddar's (Pointless note: If you ever go to Cheddar's for lunch or dinner, try their Buffalo Chicken Wrap. It is an amazing amount of food and it is quite tasty, plus there is always plenty leftover for lunch the next day.)

Well, I am going to start my "all alone" movie night. Hope you all had a great "Irish" day.

2 rambled with me...:

Anonymous said...

Well, TJ apparently missed out on some good b/w movies and tv shows like: To Kill a Mockingbird, The Munsters, The Adams Family, My Three Sons, and Leave It To Beaver......oh yeah, what was that little known kiddie movie......oh, Alfred Hitchcock!

-D.B. Cooper

Shan said...

COOOOOPER! So nice to see that you dropped by. He has missed out on a lot (Psycho is one of my all time favorites--along with Rear Window). I'll warm him up to old movies eventually.