Friday, February 22, 2008


We were off school Wednesday because we got two inches of snow overnight. We went back yesterday knowing that another round of winter weather was heading our way. The kids were all excited because they had a feeling that we were going to get another snow day. I was peeved because I have eight million things to get done with them before next Friday, so I really can't miss anymore time with any class...I need to see them all...and I really needed to see them all yesterday.

So first period starts and we bust our tails and we get through 20 pages of reading in 55 minutes. We even had time to discuss, ask questions, etc. It was great. We got interrupted five times with announcements and I got two phone calls, so I was really thrilled because I knew that if I could get through the reading with them and all those interruptions, all classes could get done. Second period came in and we got started. About 30 minutes in we get an announcement saying we are going to conduct a safety sweep and we had to lock all the doors and not let any students out. I wasn't worried--this happens from time to time and it never takes more than 20 minutes.

I was wrong this time. We got done with the reading and we waited. And waited. And waited. In fact, second period ran nearly 30 minutes longer than usual. You know what that means, right? That means that we last 30 minutes of third period. Which means there was no way for me to get finished with the reading. We got through 8 pages. Fourth period comes in and I know that I can finish with them. And we do finish. And then we get the email saying we are leaving at 1:30 because of the impending snow doom. Which means that our last two classes are split...and we had 25 minutes with each group. That meant there was no way I was getting finished with the reading sixth period...they got through six pages (we were interrupted 4 times with phone calls. It was great).

The storm rolled in much faster than anticipated (wait--weather forcasts being innacurate? That is so unusual!) As in five hours before they thought it would. So by 8:30 last night, most schools were already closed for today. Including some schools that NEVER close (private schools around here rarely close for weather problems). I'm actually glad they made the call realy. That meant I didn't have to get up and watch the news to find out.

Here is why I am worried. If it were just me I had to worry about, I wouldn't care. I can be flexible, make things work, play with time...whatever is needed. The problem is that I have a practicum student who has to teacher March 5-7 and she already has her lesson plans done and ready to go. I can't push into her week because she is being observed and it is very important to her. The othe rproblem? Because we have been out for snow so much, she has only been in my classroom 3 times. We always seem to get snowed out on Mondays or Wednesdays (the days she is supposed to be there). She doesn't know the kids, they don't know her, and she has to teach in a week. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.

I know that kids everywhere are happy that we are off again today (we have gone to school 4 out of the last 8 days we have been scheduled to go), but we adults are going stir crazy. And today I am trapped, really--there is ice everywhere and there is no way I am going out in this. even my poor dogs are confused...their backyard is a skating rink. You should see them try to go takes forever to make it across the yard.

They say it is going to turn to rain later today. Hopefully that will clear things out...but they also said the snow was goingto start at 7:00 last night...and we all know how that turned out.

2 rambled with me...:

Angie said...

You can blame the snow storm on my daughter. She broke her snow globe last night.

Shan said...

Ha! Although I think that is a very accurate forcast...I trust that more than I trust all the fancy gadgets and gizmos that people have today.