Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday Situation #2

A few weeks ago I said I was going to start a new Saturday game called Shan's Saturday Situation...and I forgot to do it last Saturday (oops)...

Here are the rules: I will give you two equally odd, weird, inconvenient or disgusting choices and I want you to choose which one you would rather have.

Today's choices:

Would you rather...
Have to hum constantly when you weren't speaking
Sing everything you had to say?

Happy choosing!

7 rambled with me...:

Barb said...

SING! I doubt anyone would want to be around me much!

Anonymous said...

I would definately rather sign everything! Humming gets on my nerves!!

Misty DawnS said...

I'd sing everything I had to say! My boss and I used to play a game that everything we said, we needed to relate it to a song... it was tons of fun! We had dial-up for a long time - and I used to have to run a long phone cord over to the fax machine to hook into the internet... the song... Well... "Plug it in, Plug it in" lol from the commercial. Gosh, I miss hanging out with him at the office!

Anonymous said...

I just realized I typed sign...instead of sing. Had a brain fart. Sorry about that:)

Marci said...

Both sound fabulous to me! I often wish that we could just break out into big musical numbers whenever we wanted to....

But, if I had to choose, I guess that I would prefer singing everything I had to say. I pretty much do that already. :)

Shan said...

Thanks to all who played along! You all made some interesting points...

Me, I would rather sing everything. I may not be able to sing, but if I had to hum all the time I would kick my own butt! :-)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Hum. Singing would bring too much attention my way. Yuck. :)