Thursday, May 3, 2007

Things That Annoy You

I am sick today so I am in a bad mood. Being sick annoys me because I don't really have time for it...taking time off work for me is super hard. This annoyance led me to think about all the other things that bug the piss out of me. Here is my short list:

George Bush (sorry for you fans, but he annoys me), loud chewers, Britney Spears, The Office, kids throwing temper tantrums in public, rain, people who keep their turn signals on long after they have turned, Charles Dickens (the man rambles forever--I guess that's what happens when you get paid by the word), emptying the dishwasher, clutter, loud cell phone talkers, bass so loud it shakes my car, slow drivers, construction, fog, tags sticking out of peoples' shirts, the word "phenomenal" (long story), arrogant people, severe weather interruptions during my favorite show, dog hair, algebra, back-talk, bad hair days, rude people, the war in Iraq, the Chicago Bears (as a Packers' fan, I have to include this), the length of baseball season, small minded people, the price of gas, spam (not the "meat"), dishonest people, bad service, stupid charges on my cell phone bill, Sanjaya, hiccups, close-talkers, people who talk through movies, made up holidays, and power outages.

Okay, so not so short (but not nearly everything I could have listed)...what about you all? What annoys you?

0 rambled with me...: