Saturday, February 16, 2008

New Layout

Well, I have given up on the 3-column idea (for now). I figured out how to get a third column on here, but it didn't look like I wanted it, so I scrapped it. I am happy, though, because I have figured out how to get all of my information to transfer from one blog layout to another so I won't be such a chicken in changing things up a bit from time to time. I had no idea I could ever figure out any HTML code at all, and I did it last night. I was thrilled.

Let me know what you think of the new layout. I'll be back later...I have plenty to say today.

2 rambled with me...:

Misty DawnS said...

I want a three-column template, but I'm scared out of my mind to try it - I'm afraid I'll mess something up or get halfway through transferring everything and just give up. Besides, I want to keep my own header and stuff, and I haven't figured out how to do that.

Your new layout looks awesome, by the way!

Shan said...


Keeping all the old stuff was a pain...I had to cut and paste a lot of HTML code and it was no fun at all, but now that I did it once, I may be able to do it again if I want to change. Hopefully you find what you want, too.