Monday, August 27, 2007

Tagged...With a Virus?

Skittles' tagged me with a new meme this afternoon (and I still think she is nice)...

Mother's Home! has started a new and innovative meme! "Remember passing 'round a piece of paper when you were a kid, and everyone had to add a sentence to make up a story? Well, we did that, anyway...Why not try that as a meme? I can't say that it's a new approach to viral linking, I don't know if it's been done before, but there should be plenty of Linky Love for everyone as the story grows and moves around the Blogosphere!"

1. Copy and paste the story below, and the rules, on your blog.
2. Find out who you're going to tag. (2-3 people, or more, if you wish)
3. Write one or two sentences to continue the story, and use the titles of the blogs you're tagging or any word(s) associated with them as keywords in the links you include in your part of the story.
4. Remember to tell your taggees that you've tagged them!
5. Feel free to use this and start your own viral link story.

I'd very much appreciate a link back to Mother's Home if you do. (Or a tag, if you prefer!)

Sounds like fun! Here's what we have so far...

Once upon a time, after the evil stepmom had put up a Barbed wire fence around everything, the Empress came and shouted: "I've come to give you A little piece of me mind!"

The evil stepmom, Shelby, came out to see what all the Rambling from this Crazy person was about.

I am adding...
The cranky, evil stepmom watched in horror as the insane person began to parade around singing "A Boy Named Sue."

So, I tag...
The Cranky Librarian
My Dogs Keep Me Sane
The Turtle Parade

Have fun and be sure to tag others so this keeps moving!

9 rambled with me...:

Barb said...

LOL! Good job :)

A Boy Named Sue???? Hahhaaaa!

Shan said...


I thought you would get a kick out of that one...

Jojo a. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shan said...

Jo..somehow part of it was left off here. Hopefully you read the edited version now :-)

Stine said...

Hahaha - Thanks for playing along!

Jane said...

Very funny! A boy named Sue hehe!

Jake said...

very good.

Shelby said...

That is too funny... I love to sing a boy named sue - HOW DO YOU DO!!?

Shan said...

Welcome, shelby! Nice to see you!

And jake and gotcha--welcome back! I haven't seen you two in a while...