Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm a Cryer

I will be the first to admit that I am an emotional person. I wear my emotions on my sleeve (so much so that I can't hide how I am feeling from anyone--even my students can tell how I feel and they don't even know me.)

I don't know how this all started but I do know that I have always been the one to feel bad for others first, to cry for others first, to laugh for others first and so on. This goes for stray animals, too, by the way--I had a stray dog on my porch the other day and I tried to feed it and give it water because it looked so damn sad and lonely. I thought about that poor dog all weekend and I am still wondering where she went and who could have let her go. This is also how we ended up with many outside cats when I was a kid--I got attached after thirty seconds and was begging to keep them. This is also the reason that TJ will not, under any circumstance, let me go to the animal shelter or even PetSmart on Saturdays (since they do adoptions there, too).

Back to the point at hand...because I am so emotional I cry. A lot. About a lot of things. I'm not ashamed to admit it (and you, in the back laughing at me--back off!)

Today I am here to admit...

  • The last book (besides the new Harry Potter) that made me cry was Tending Roses by Lisa Wingate.
  • The last movie to make me cry was Reign Over Me.
  • The movie that will make me cry every time is Moulin Rouge.
  • The last television show to make me cry was Grey's Anatomy when Denny died.
  • The song that will make me cry every time I hear it is "Strangers in the Night" by Sinatra
  • I have cried at every Pearl Jam concert I have been to (which would be five).
So, what about you? Are you a cryer? Are you stoic? Do you hold it in or let it out? What was the last thing that made you cry? (don't be ashamed to admit it--we all cry sometimes, right?)

12 rambled with me...:

Suprina said...

What a great post. I can't think of a movie that has made me cry....but just thinking of something bad happening to my children or loosing them all of a sudden, that makes me cry.

Shan said...

A lot of my friends who have kids tell me this same thing. Since I don't have kids yet I can't attest to this, but I know that if something were to happen to my husband or my family I would lose it.

Welcome, by the way, and thanks for stopping by!

Erika Jean said...

I'm a crier... and i SOBBED when Denny died.

Shan said...

It was just so sad! Izzy went to all these lengths so they could be together and then, out of nowhere, he died--it was tragic. I cried and cried--and I cried again when he came back as a ghost last season. (I forgot all about that until now).

Welcome, by the way...

Marci said...

I am so with you on this one - I have always cried at the smallest things (even the occasional long-distance phone commercial!). The first movie that made me SOB was Steel Magnolias. I saw it with my little brother, and he couldn't understand what was going on. And then there was the time when I read "Tuesdays with Morrie" on an airplane - so not a good idea. I was crying in front of everyone.

Don't even get me started on real-life problems and issues - then there is no stopping me....

Shan said...

Steel Magnolias is another one--when Sally Field has the breakdown at the end...tragic.

I am ashamed to admit that I have never read Tuesdays with Morrie (sad, right?) I did read The Five People You Meet in Heaven--it was another one that could get you good.

Barb said...

Oh gosh.. I am terribly emotional, too!

Denny died??? Oh no! I haven't seen that show in a while, but it was a favorite when it debuted!

I have two guaranteed to make me cry movies.. Terms Of Endearment and The Bridges Of Madison County. Of course I cry in happy movies, too.

I worry about wandering animals all the time.

I used to like orange as my favorite color when I was a kid because I felt sorry for it as nobody else had it for a favorite.

Quit laughing. LOL

Shan said...

I am not laughing at you--as I said, I am emotional as all get out.

Sorry to tell you that Denny died--it was horrible. If you watch the episode I promise you will lose it--it is hard to watch.

Rebecca said...

I am helping with my elderly grandmother. Her health is so-so. Today I prearranged her made me cry. :( I also cried when Denny DuQuette died. When I hear George WInston play the piano I cry. When I think about my daughter's growing up and getting married I cry.

Shan said...

rebecca: I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I was close to mine, too, and it was very hard when she died. It has gotten better over the years, but I still miss her (and she is the reason I cry when I hear "Strangers in the Night")

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I don't cry a lot because I really try to control my feelings. I had a aunt who cried for about everything and every one around her was annoyed...

But for movies and songs, there's no holding back. Song: Tears in heaven by Eric Clapton. Movie: Les choristes.

Jane said...

Cough I'm emotional but for a guy to cry is almost a crime, therefore I can't cry, or if I do, no one has to know about it. Unless of course it's a funeral. When my grandfather died: general weep-a-thon.

It's just a guy's thing