Thursday, March 29, 2007

Spring Break?

Why is it that when I was younger, spring break was a relaxing lovely thing thing that I looked forward to, and yet I found myself saying to TJ today: "I would rather be at work?" It seems that things change drastically as we get older. Sure, some things change for the better (like I can eat as much ice cream as I want and no one can tell me I can't have any more), but other things change for the worse (like the fact that no break is ever really a break). It kills me to hear kids talk about how busy they are and that they never find time to do anything for themselves (which is the excuse they use when they don't do homework). If they think their lives are busy now, what will they say when real life hits?

So far, my spring break has consisted of the following (in no particular order):

  1. Typing a paper for my grad class
  2. Cleaning my house from top to bottom
  3. Washing all sheets in the house
  4. Washing all dog beds
  5. Washing all towels
  6. Washing all slipcovers/blankets from the living room
  7. Shopping with Mom (which included a trip to the grocery. If it weren't for the fact that Mom was with me, this would definitely qualify as unfun. I hate the grocery.)
  8. Cleaning our basement (five hours on Wednesday)
  9. Waking up at 7 am to pick my grandpa up from the body shop
  10. Running the dishwasher
  11. Emptying aforementioned dishwasher (and any of you who know me know that this is one of my least favorite things in the whole world)
  12. Planning lessons for next week
  13. Planting flowers
  14. Empting closet of all clothes I never wear (although I say I will)
  15. Watching The Devil Wears Prada
  16. Reading Ethics for the New Millennium
  17. Gathering up all trash in the house (since tonight is trash night)

Survey says...

Fun things: 3

Unfun things: 14

That can't be right! Seems my list is lacking a balance of power here. I'm going to need a vacation from my vacation!

When to adults get spring break, damn it???

2 rambled with me...:

Library Lady said...

I, too, despise emptying the dishwasher. I thought I was the only one--my husband thinks I'm nuts for hating something so "easy." It's the silverware that does it...But after my dishwasher's little freakout over break, and I had to take everything out and wash it by hand, I realized I LOVE MY DISHWASHER! Now that it's working, I have promised it I will never complain about it again.

Shan said...

I agree with you on the silverware doing it for me--it is tedious. I think, though, that if mine went out I would agree with you and even do a little "emptying the dishwasher" dance. But, as of this moment, I still hate emptying the dishwasher.

Have a great Easter!